Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge make surprise appearance at their low-key office Christmas party

  • Couple held annual Household bash at London restaurant chain Bumpkin

  • Duchess wore floral blue and white dress with matching jacket

  • Attendance suggests the Duchess is on the road to recovery

By Rebecca English


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made a surprise appearance at their office Christmas party this afternoon.

The couple’s choice of venue for their annual Household bash was not, however, The Ritz or some other glitzy high-end venue - but a local London restaurant chain.

William and Kate turned up with minimal fuss to Bumpkin in Notting Hill, where they had hired, appropriately, The Queen’s Room, (so called because of a giant frame portrait of the monarch, the prince’s grandmother, which hangs from the wall.

Surprise: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made an appearance at their office party despite Kate being in hospital earlier this month

Surprise: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made an appearance at their office party despite Kate being in hospital earlier this month

Low-key: The party was not held at a glitzy venue, but at the Bumpkin restaurant in Notting Hill, London

Low-key: The party was not held at a glitzy venue, but at the Bumpkin restaurant in Notting Hill, London

Country in the city: The restaurant is a group across London serving rustic British food

Country in the city: The restaurant is a group across London serving rustic British food

The Duchess, who was wearing a stylish floral blue and white dress with a smart matching jacket, tucked into the restaurant traditional Christmas Menu which costs just £30 for three courses and features free-range turkey with the all the trimmings and traditional Christmas pudding.

Although the mulled wine was said to be flowing, the pregnant Duchess, unsurprisingly, stuck to soft drinks.

Both she and her husband appeared to be enjoying themselves immensely, sources said.

A restaurant source added: ‘The Duchess of Cambridge was looking the picture of health. William and Kate enjoyed a leisurely lunch with 27 members of their Household.

‘Bumpkin is a group of country-in-the-city style restaurants serving rustic British food.

‘It seems even the Royals attend office Christmas parties - although it was a much more sophisticated affair, without all the usual drunken antics and revelry.’

The event was the second appearance the Duchess has made since she was released from hospital, following on from her appearance at the Sports Personality of the Year Awards

The party was held at the Bumpkin restaurant in Notting Hill

Recovery: The Duchess' appearance was the second since she was released from hospital on December 6, the first being her surprise appearance at the Sports Personality of the Year Awards

A St James Palace spokesman confirmed the couple’s attendance to Mail Online, saying: ‘The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended a private luncheon today.’

The event was the Duchess’s second outing since being released from hospital on December 6, the first being her surprise appearance at the Sports Personality of the Year Awards on Sunday night.

The fact that Kate, 30, who was hospitalised for three days earlier this month after being diagnosed with an acute form of morning sickness, felt well enough to attend suggests that she is well on the road to recovery. Doctors have, however, warned her condition can recur at any time.

Sports personality: The Duchess of Cambridge spent three nights in hospital before making an appearance at the awards ceremony on Sunday

Sports personality: The Duchess of Cambridge spent three nights in hospital before making an appearance at the awards ceremony on Sunday

It also means that she is likely to attend both the Queen’s private Christmas lunch for her extended family, which is being held at Buckingham Palace tomorrow, as well as the traditional celebrations at Sandringham at Christmas.

The Duchess, who is less than 12 weeks pregnant, has been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition which causes severe vomiting pregnant women.

The illness is thought to be caused by elevated levels of the ‘pregnancy hormone’ hCG, which the body begins to produce after conception.

Get well soon: The Duchess was taken to the King Edward VII hospital earlier this month after being diagnosed with an acute form of morning sickness

Get well soon: The Duchess was taken to the King Edward VII hospital earlier this month after being diagnosed with an acute form of morning sickness

It can cause such severe sickness and nausea that sufferers become dehydrated and can even vomit blood.

The condition tends to appear at around six to eight weeks into pregnancy and for most sufferers disappears towards the end of the first trimester.

But for some it can go on as long as five months into the pregnancy and, occasionally, right until birth.

Kate was said to be severely dehydrated when she was admitted to hospital and spent three nights under the care of doctors at the King Edward V11 Hospital, for the most part being fed fluids and nutrients via an intravenous drip.

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