Friday, December 14, 2012

Amy Winehouse's ex Reg Traviss cleared of rape

Lovers: The film director was dating Amy Winehouse at the time of her death last year

Lovers: The film director was dating Amy Winehouse at the time of her death last year

He added that he had always been confident that the police, Crown Prosecution Service and judge did not believe he was guilty.

Calling for anonymity for those accused of sex crimes, he said: 'I definitely think in cases like this, no one believed it but my name was still associated with those headlines.

'That's going to be the case unless anonymity is given to the accused in cases like this.'

Traviss branded his accuser 'either mentally ill or evil' and said he had not seen her since the night they had sex.

His lawyer, Ian Winter QC, said: 'It is an exceptional case and I don't think in my career that I have defended a case where I have been so sure of my client's innocence.

'What is unbelievable is that if we hadn't found them coming out of the club on that CCTV, which the police had totally failed to identify, there was a real risk of a miscarriage of justice.'


Allegations: Traviss always denied that he had sexually assaulted the unnamed woman last December

The director, who made the 2010 film Psychosis, featuring Buffy the Vampire Slayer star Charisma Carpenter and The Darkness singer Justin Hawkins, was first arrested over the allegations in April.

Traviss, who had apparently planned to marry Winehouse before she tragically died, said he was 'completely and utterly flabbergasted' by the claims and there was 'no question' the attack happened.

He even told the jury: 'I sort of came away from that evening thinking this could be really good, this could be the start of something.

'I wasn't looking for a girlfriend, but she is somebody I have known for a long time and that there could be something in this.'

Southwark Crown Court had earlier heard how the pair had been out drinking in three West End bars when they headed back to his flat in the early hours.

Free: Traviss was said to be in mourning for Winehouse at the time of his encounter with the woman

Free: Traviss was said to be in mourning for Winehouse at the time of his encounter with the woman

Tributes: Traviss standing outside Winehouse's home shortly after her death last July

Tributes: Traviss standing outside Winehouse's home shortly after her death last July

The woman claimed she was asleep in bed with Mr Traviss when she awoke to find him having sex with her. She said he stopped when she asked him what he was doing, but when she passed out again she woke up to him doing it a second time.

The 27-year-old also claimed that when she later got up to leave his home she could not find her underwear. When she asked Traviss where they were he told her he wanted to keep them as a memento, she claimed.

But Traviss has always strongly maintained his innocence and told the court the woman was completely 'compos mentis' when they had sex, and that it was in fact her who lured him into bed.

He said they had both been 'merry drunk' and had agreed she would stay at his as it was just round the corner which she was 'very happy to do so.'

At around 4.30am Traviss said he suggested they 'get their heads down' and offered to sleep on the sofa while she slept in the bed but she told him to 'come and sleep in the bed' and initiated sex.

He told the court: 'She had a big smile on her face. She was being very inviting about me coming and getting into bed with her.

'She was someone that I knew and trusted. If she didn't then I would just go to sleep. But pretty much straight away we started kissing and touching each other.

'She was leading it just as much as much as I was following it. It was completely equal. There was never any question she did not consent.

'There is no truth in whatsoever in the allegations. It didn't happen.'

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