Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday Links / Open Thread

Jill Stein, presidential candidate on the Green Party ticket, has been arrested and charged with trespassing after a sit-in protest against foreclosures at Fannie Mae in Philadelphia. Since she had just won a place on the Pennsylvania ballot, she may be the first presidential candidate since Eugene Debs to become a political prisoner as a result. Also arrested were her running mate, two labor lawyers and a Catholic nun. Meanwhile, the Obama cabal just wrings its hands and writes a couple of letters begging a mere acting director to play nice with poor homeowners three months before Election Day.
In explaining why she joined the protest, Stein said that almost half of Americans now live in poverty or near poverty, eight million families face eviction from their homes due to foreclosures, and over a third of mortgage holders are "underwater" - meaning that they owe more to the lenders than their properties are worth on the market.  
Said Stein, "The developers and financiers made trillions of dollars through the housing bubble and the imposition of crushing debt on homeowners. And when homeowners could no longer pay them what they demanded, they went to government and got trillions of dollars of bailouts. Every effort of the Obama Administration has been to prop this system up and keep it going at taxpayer expense. It's time for this game to end. It's time for the laws be written to protect the victims and not the perpetrators. It's time for a new deal for America, and a Green New Deal is what we will deliver on taking office. "

The same New York Times reporter who brought you the story of Obama's Terror Tuesday kill list now complains there is a new chilling effect on news-gathering as a result. The FBI is doing a pretend investigation of national security leaks, and in the process is intimidating erstwhile/potential government whistleblowers at various agencies. And that's the whole point, isn't it?  Although the recent articles on the kill list, the case of Underpants Bomber II, and the cyberwar against Iran's nuclear program all obviously came from White House sources, the White House itself will not be subject to proposed new legislation punishing leakers. That is because when the President's Men do the divulging, it's not to blow the whistle. It's to make themselves look tough on national security in an election year. It is to make themselves the Orwellian Ministry of Truth.

Case in point: anonymous sources have just chest-thumpingly told Reuters that President Obama signed a secret order from his MANCAVE authorizing American support for Syrian rebels. The support includes shoulder-fired MANPAD missiles. Macho macho man, etc.

New Olympic Sport: bashing NBC's time-delayed coverage, with all its chest-thumping flag-wrapped corporate greed-for-profit. Chinese media are ticked off as well over allegations that its star female swimmer is ''roided" up:
“It is irresponsible for the Western media to pour filth on Chinese athletes who won because of hard training and years of arduous preparation,” the official state newspaper Xinhua said...... "By doing so, the Western writers have demonstrated an arrogance and prejudice against Chinese athletes that has ignited widespread criticism from all around the world."
Meanwhile, the commercial-free BBC (streams are blocked here in Security State USA) is doing its job in the public interest: broadcasting the events live, without annoying commentary, in all their raw glory. David Sirota opines on cringe-inducing Olympic Americana, past and present. 

I admit that before the latest culture war skirmish designed to deflect our attention away from the fact that we are living under the iron heel of the oligarchy, I had never even heard of Chick-fil-A.  I'd  had the Olympics beach volleyball game (live!) on the TV last night while fixing dinner, and before I knew it, MSNBC's Al Sharpton was shrilling about nasty anti-gay chicken with Meghan McCain whining about ideological cole slaw. I imagine that Chick-fil-A is making millions of dollars off all the free outraged publicity.

Where is the outrage from the liberal class about the horrid conditions at the factory farms where the chickens are crammed into crates from the minute they're born, force-fed on hormones and salmonella-resistant antibiotics and served up to the American public uninspected because of USDA budget cuts?

Meh. What a paltry concern, when there's a presidential election between two chicken hawks at stake.

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