Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Visit with Google Affiliate Network at Affiliate Summit West

The Google Affiliate Network team will join our fellow affiliate marketers at Affiliate Summit West January 17-19 in Las Vegas. We are hoping to see our valued advertisers, publishers and partners at the Meet Market on Sunday afternoon. If you attend Affiliate Summit, please come by our booth (#530) on Monday or Tuesday to meet your Google Affiliate Network team.

Also on Monday afternoon, don't miss Google Affiliate Network product manager Larry Adams' panel discussion on product datafeeds. You can submit questions to the panel moderator at:

Session Overview
Monday, January 18 at 11:30 AM

Product Datafeeds: The Next Level

Product datafeeds are among the most powerful tools available to affiliate marketers. We’ll discuss the current state of datafeeds and industry progress, best practices, and moving toward standards.

Scott Jangro, President, MechMedia, Inc. (Moderator)

Larry Adams, Product Manager, Google

Shergul Arshad, VP, Business & Corporate Development, StyleFeeder, Inc.
Brian Smith, CEO & Founder, SingleFeed

See you soon!

Posted by Kristin Hall, Google Affiliate Network Team